How The Modern World Made Us Forget These 3 Natural Instincts (And How You Can Re-Connect With Them)
Re-discover and embrace your body's wisdom.
Modern civilisation has driven us to forget our most innate instincts.
It's time we re-discover three of them.
Instinct #1: Barefoot Walking
Have you ever felt the earth beneath your bare feet?
It’s more than just an instinct—it’s a primal connection to the ground beneath us, one that many have forgotten.
Walking barefoot, once second nature to our ancestors, is now a rare experience in the modern world. Yet, when we step without shoes, we awaken thousands of nerve endings in our feet, enhancing circulation, balance, and overall body awareness.
Reconnecting with barefoot walking isn’t just about movement—it’s about rediscovering a direct connection with nature and ourselves.
So, let’s kick off your shoes. Feel the grass, the earth, the ground beneath you. Let your feet feel the joy and remember.
🌿 If you want to deep dive and a more comprehensive guide, you can find one here.
Instinct #2: Natural Movement
Have we swapped our natural way of moving for modern comforts?
These days, humans are loosing their natural ability to move in very basic ways.
Natural movement includes basic skills like walking, running, balancing, jumping, crawling, climbing, swimming, as well as manipulative skills like lifting, carrying, throwing, and catching.
It may sound simple, but here's the thing: are you actively practicing and integrating these fundamental movements into your daily life? Are you giving your body the continuous movement variety it craves?
🌿 For structured support in getting started with the fundamental skills, consider exploring MovNat®’s courses.
Instinct #3: Natural Tremor Mechanism
Have you ever watched a gazelle 'shake it off' after a close encounter with a lion?
Did you know that this is a natural instinct we humans share with other mammals, but have "forgotten" how to do.
We have this natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension and calms down the nervous system after a stress (fight/flight/freeze) response.
When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.
TRE® (Tension & Trauma Release Exercises) is a self-help and somatic bodywork tool that is designed to activate this natural mechanism.
Once you've learned the exercises and self-regulation, it can be practiced safely and on your own regularly.
🌿 Although not necessary, it can initiatially be helpful to work with a TRE® provider for a supportive space to practice. Curious to learn more? This curiosity call might be for you then.
Final Words
🌱 Care for your vessel, your lifelong home, by tending to its simple yet vital needs.
By reconnecting with these forgotten instincts, we not only strengthen the bond between body, mind, and spirit but also embark on a deeper journey of self-discovery—bridging the gap between the modern world and our ancient roots.